This time of the year brings cooler weather, shorter days, cocooning on the couch, Netflix bingeing, and indoor projects and crafts. Maybe you’ll mix that up with a few gatherings with friends and family. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. So, are you ready to get cozy? While you’re switching out tee shirts for sweaters and flip-flips for boots, think about switching your lighting to something a little more versatile.
It’s like dressing in layers on a late September day: You need to be ready for cool mornings, warm afternoons, and breezy nights. Did you know you can have light that’s just as flexible? Light that goes from cool to warm, or bright to dim? Or both? How about multiple colors besides shades of white?
How does this day sound to you: Imagine starting your day with light that eases you into the morning: Soft white, dim, and comfortable. You haven’t had your coffee yet, so let’s keep it soft until you’re ready. First cup of coffee has been consumed and your energy is up! So are your lights. It’s time to check email and FOCUS. Your light shifts from soft and dim to a bright, refreshing daylight to help you stay on task without dozing back to sleep.
In mattis scelerisque magna, ut tincidunt ex. Quisque nibh urna, pre in tristique in, bibendum sed libero. Pellent mauris nunc, pretium non erat non, finibus are tristique dui. Ut sed sem orci.
It’s like dressing in layers on a late September day: You need to be ready for cool mornings, warm afternoons, and breezy nights. Did you know you can have light that’s just as flexible? Light that goes from cool to warm, or bright to dim? Or both? How about multiple colors besides shades of white?

In mattis scelerisque magna, ut tincidunt ex. Quisque nibh urna, pretium in tristique in, bibendum sed libero. Pellentesque mauris nunc, pretium non erat non, finibus tristique dui. Ut sed sem orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Engaging & Fun The course identify things we want to change and then figure out the things that need to be done to create the desired outcome. The course helped me in clearly define problems and generate a wider variety of quality solutions.